Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Day 3!

Today, 6.17.09, we had to get up at 6:00. We had to eat at 6:30 and leave by 7:15. Bright and early we went to "Full On" We went absailing (sp*). I went absailing down a cliff that was equal to 18 stories!! It was so scary!! My leader said I giggled the whole way down. As I was dangling there, I could hear the leaders at the bottom saying, "Which Jesse is that?" (We have two Jesses.) And one leader said, "The vegetarian one?" And I said, "Ya! That one!" They all bust out laughing because they didn't think I could hear them. There were motivational speakers there talking about your state of mind, body, and emotions. And controlling those to get the results you want out of life. Better results. At the top of the cliff, they had signs saying, "I am safe" & "I can do it." Haha. Well, off to our farm stay! I will touch base with you guys again in a couple of days! Love you all!


  1. So good to hear from you across the world. Hope your voice returns and the trip continues to be fun. Love, Aunt Leslie

  2. Hey Jesse! It is great to hear about your adventure. Sounds like so much fun! I'm guessing your voice isn't going to get much of a chance to heal, since that would require you to stop talking. ;) Kinsey said I have to tell you that she misses you very much. She also said she hopes Australia is doing good, and she can't wait til you get home. Ryan is enjoying FCA camp, and Griffin is having a blast at CLS. We miss you, but we're so glad you are having this incredible experience. Love, Mom
    P.S. Are these "hot guys" Australian, or are they part of your travel group? ;)

  3. Haha Mom you got it right! Everyone keeps telling me to stop talking and my voice will get better but that's not gonna happen! :) Please tell Kinsey that I miss her very much and love her too much. But she is gonna have lots of presents when I get back! :) I'm so glad Ry is enjoying it! That's so fun. Grif better not come back with 948573489 bug bites! Haha. I miss yall! (When we say "yall" the aussies go.. "yall????" hahahaha. it's funny. I love you guys!!
    P.S. haha a little bit of both.. :)

  4. My speech therapist ears did not hear that Jesse (of course I BECAME a speech therapist after a year-long run of my own voice therapy during high school)--ha! Have fun. You can go silent when you get home :)

  5. Very fun to read about your adventures "down under"! Keep having fun and keep writing when you get a chance!

  6. haha I got it back! Yay!

    yes.. I have a few new posts coming now
